Thursday 9 January 2020

A different approach to Income Tax

Please note, this article will be updated as things happen with regard to this matter. New developments will be posted at the end. There is a possibility that this information will be removed in the future, so if this is something you like to have access to, I suggest you copy the text and save it in a file of your own.

I just filed the income tax return for my legal person

In doing so, I deducted all expenses I could prove by way of receipts, account statements or other records of financial transactions in this name. No matter if they were business expenses or "private" expenses.

So this is basically a test of a method I have figured out myself, based on the principle that a man does not stand within the fictions of Law and Government, except by express agreement/contract.
It also supposes that no man (man, as in member of mankind) is a slave today and that therefore  Involuntary Servitude is not lawful.

Since MR KENT BENGTSSON does not exist in the tangible physical reality, but is an entity in the two-dimensional world of "words on paper" (In other words "a fiction") it needs a living man to conduct it's affairs. That living man is me.

And since we do not today practice slavery, no one can be expected to perform work without compensation, unless an expressed agreement to that effect already exists for a given task or period.
Doing everything required of MR KENT BENGTSSON is a fair bit of work. Especially the labour one performs in order to have compensation in the form of money paid to KENT BENGTSSON's accounts.

I am posting this here as a possible outcome of all this could be that the tax man agrees to what I have done or that my person no longer is a tax-payer, on the condition that I do not inform others of what I have done.  So that is why I'm sharing this now, in case I cannot tell later. If this did not work out for some reason, I will of course add what happened and any how and why of relevance. If I in a year or so from now provide no further information, assume it worked out.

There is of course the possibility that my tax return will slip through the system unnoticed and I just get a refund of the taxes deducted, with no challenge to the figures provided. If that is the case I will say so too. Then the year after will have the same filing and we will se what happens then.

The invoice text below is the core of my method, and the basis for me deducting as valid expenses things that are listed in it. If challenged I may provide more documents to make my point and require that they disprove my assumptions.

The reason I am doing this, is so that people who have salaries or do work where the employer or customer of a contractor have to deduct tax at source, have a way of getting these taxes back.

This should not be interpreted as a tax dodge. I do not mind paying for essential public services. But I do mind paying for a bloated public service who's first and foremost purpose seems to be to waste mine and your money, or worse, to use these money to control, manipulate and restrict us. Not to mention lining the pockets of politicians and public "servants".

If you decide to try this too, you are of course doing that of your own accord and entirely at your own risk. I can make no guarantees as to a successful outcome. There may be many factors that affect the outcome of this, and I may not have mentioned them.


This invoice is for services provided by
the man who goes by the name kent, of the
bengtsson family.

The entity the services have been provided for
is the legal person, MR KENT E. BENGTSSON.

As Involuntary Servitude is not practiced in today's
world, no one can be obliged to perform work without

As MR KENT E. BENGTSSON appears to be a dead fictional
creation with no presence in the tangible world of the physical
universe, it cannot perform any physical action, and need
the services of a man who is present in the physical realm
to do any actions for it.

As the UNITED KINGDOM is also such a fictional creation
and as most business transactions are conducted through the
entities of this fictional realm, which appear to mirror the
tangible universe, but in truth are not the same and is of a
lesser order than the real and tangible, this invoice has been
created to express the debt of MR KENT E. BENGTSSON
and the settlement of same.

Date 19 October 2019

Covering services provided from 5 April 2018 until 4 April 2019.

Services provided for MR KENT E. BENGTSSON:

Acting on behalf of MR KENT E. BENGTSSON (here-in-after referred to as KENT) with regard to answering any correspondence, filling out any forms, keeping track of and filing of receipts, bills, invoices and other records, settling any monetary demands that appear to be valid, speaking on behalf of KENT and moving money for KENT when need arise.

Performing physical labour, creative thinking, operating of machinery and tools when working, as KENT, for other legal persons within the UNITED KINGDOM, such as the firm KASK.

Acting for KENT in the capacity of Landlord, with regard to administrative and physical actions required for the renting out of the house and garden referred to as 20 Bricklands, Crawley Down.

Performing any needed administrative, fiduciary and physical actions for KENT as the “Keeper” of any vehicles registered by KENT.

Setting the record straight, when various commercial entities within the UNITED KINGDOM address KENT mistakenly regarding actions or inactions done by undersigned in the capacity of man, and attempting to place these actions within the UNITED KINGDOM and charge KENT penalties for such. Examples: Contraventions of internal policies of the UNITED KINGDOM, where no man, woman or child were harmed or endangered.

Payment required for above services:Since undersigned, as a living man, has no use of money or credit, per se, this invoice will not be requiring any form of monetary units as payment, but rather things that a man may need. Undersigned believes that all forms of money in common use today, are fictional in nature and only “re-presents” the real value in the realm of the living and the tangible, and that invoicing in a designated monetary amount would be mixing reality and fiction.

These are the things required as payment for the services provided:

Nutritional supplements
Transport including any costs for, or connected to cars, or other means of transport.
Telephone services
Internet connection
Books, magazines and any other publications.
Any services of my fellow men and women, that undersigned may require.
Equipment for sports, exercise and leisure activities.
Computer, laptop, printers and other hardware and software for these.
Office supplies.
Housing, including servicing of any mortgage.
Car rental
Household goods – all items in a household, including decorative such.
Fuel for heating and modes of transport.
Dental and Health services.
Gifts and presents to family and friends.
Tools and machinery.
Building materials.
Storage of produced value, by means of monetary units in KENT's accounts, for future needs.
Food, supplements and healthcare for pets.
Anything else that may be needed or desired in undersigned's life, that can be had by monetary payments.

All definitions of any words used in this invoice, are in according with the understanding of undersigned. When a conflict between definitions between undersigned and definitions used within the UNITED KINGDOM, undersigned's definitions prevail.

Settlement of this invoice:

All items, services, et cetera in the list above acquired by the monetary units paid to KENT for the actions, labour or activities of undersigned in the tangible world, returning the value to it's source and balancing the books in the realm of fiction.

Attached or enclosed evidence of this exchange is proof of settlement.

Autographed by:                                                                  Date:

the man that goes by the name of kent, who is of the bengtsson family line and who stands in the tangible world, unfettered by any man made fictions – except by express recorded agreements and contracts. The one with the paramount interest in the legal person MR KENT E. BENGTSSON.

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For a more complete view on taxation as practiced today and suggestions on how to pay less check out the page on "Tax" in the tabs at the top of the page.

All the best


PS. I just filed the figures according to this invoice and my receipts (which had £6000 unaccounted for due to lost receipts) for the year 2018 - 19, and had the tax deductions returned to my Persons Account minus National Insurance contributions.

I had kind of hoped for them to query my figures, but it did not happen this year. Next year I will have more complete invoices and there will be very little of the income that is not matched by receipts, bills, etc. So maybe the challenge comes then. Or maybe they read my Facebook and blog writings and decided not to challenge me, so there is no case tried that others can refer to if they would like to give this a go. Who knows.


If you are self employed or have an arrangement with your employer to not deduct taxes from your salary, but receive the gross amount (as in cases where you may have more than one job or business) here is someone who seem to have cracked that one. Have a listen to this interview with him:

If this link does not work any more search this title: "(66) Obligation to pay income tax? Lets find out about  and taxes. HMRC & IRS"
If you click on the "see more" at the end of the text for the video, you will find a host of links where to learn more or contact Craig if you like to hire him to help you. The Facebook group where you can download the template he mentions is here:

This might be a better idea than what I have done above, as it is tried and tested. But as with anything like this, make sure you are ready for this fight and can stand your ground. So rather spend some time studying what this blog has to offer, as well as what Craig has to offer, before you go up agains the Tax Man.

Imagine though how much better off you would be if you did not have to say godbye to a large part of the money you get in exchange for your labour. Is that not worth some of your time now, for a great benefit later.